as a leading marketer of high quality, innovative, DIY and professional Ceramic Design products, is committed to conducting its business in a manner, which prevents pollution, and protects and improves our environment. We are dedicated to providing products that offer superior performance and value, and that actively promote a safer and healthier environment in and around the home. We believe that consumers have a right to accurate, balanced and factual information on how products, packaging and production impact the environment.

To that end, we will provide such information without exaggeration to help consumers make well-informed decisions about the use of our products or those of our competitors.

We will always act responsibly to safeguard the health and safety of our employees and the communities in which we operate, by employing safe and understood technologies.

We will continuously update our manufacturing, packaging and products, by using best available technology. To the greatest degree possible we will utilise recycled and recyclable materials for our product packaging.

We will act responsibly in the use of our natural resources, conserving these resources through efficient use and environmentally conscientious planning, maximizing the energy efficiency of the products we produce and market.

We will actively participate in the legislative process by supporting, through the means available to us, those efforts that are well conceived and in the best interest of protecting health and the environment. 

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